TDF Days 5 – 9

I got a little bit behind with posting pictures of my Tour De Fleece progress.  I finished spinning the singles for the Babydoll Southdown and I am now half way through the singles for the Dorset Corriedale X.

TDF Day 5

Babydoll Southdown Singles

TDF Day 9 Dorset Corriedale X Singles

Dorset Corriedale X Singles

On the carding front, all the turquoise Jacob is done!  I have now started on the magenta Jacob.  This time I am trying to make fluffy rolags and see how differently they spin to the punis I prepared from the other fibers.

TDF Day 5

Turquoise Jacob Punis

TDF Day 9 Rolags of Magenta Jacob

Rolags of Magenta Jacob