Excellent Reads

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First of all, I want to apologize to Miss Prism and her capacious handbag for not responding sooner to her flattering comments about my blog. In this post, she wrote:

Lab Cat’s science-and-food-and-knitting blog always makes me happy, and sometimes a little jealous.

I blushed, and then worried about making some one jealous. I don’t like that emotion, I had a possessive boyfriend once – that was enough. Very flattering though that some one thinks my blog is good enough to be jealous of. And my mum does not even read it!

After reading MissPrism’s post, I made a list of my ten, which has since gone missing and will probably turn up after I have published this post. Such is life. Also MissPrism said something about avoiding ScienceBlogs, which is impossible as it is my natural home from home.

On with my ten, these are the ten I try to visit every time I read blogs (it is not quite daily):

  1. Zuska for fighting the good fight and puking on shoes whenever necessary.
  2. Abel Pharmboy for being great with the science of herbal medicines.
  3. Excimer and Ψ*Ψ for reminding me that chemistry is fun and how to have fun with chemistry.
  4. ChemGeek for brewing posts and insights into teaching at a smaller institution.
  5. The Yarn Harlot for making me jealous and never posting any of my comments. No, seriously, for writing about knitting and her life with humor. Despite reading her blog regularly, I still have no desire to knit socks.
  6. Chris Mooney at Intersection for being the first science blogger I read and therefore being my inspiration.
  7. Cory DiMario who at play the bass, drive the bus recently started the blog about being a musician I wanted to write. If I was in a band and was a musician of that caliber.
  8. PhysioProf for telling it like it is and sparing nobody’s blushes.
  9. Orac at Respectful Insolence for teaching me more about critical thinking than I knew I needed to know.
  10. Janet at Adventures of Ethics and Science for writing excellent posts about the mores of science as well as excellent science posts. She is another I could be jealous of, if I lacked confidence in my own abilities.

There are other excellent blogs as listed on my blogroll but I don’t make the effort to check the rest as much as the ten above.

You should also check out the humor section. I check the comics everyday too.

Finally, my favorite carnival is Scientiae which just had a new edition at Peggy’s Place. I missed the deadline for this one as I was too busy celebrating my birthday. I missed being born an April Fool by a few days.

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5 thoughts on “Excellent Reads

  1. Wow, thanks! Sorry that I only found this today – I’ve been laying low until recently what with the day job and such.

    Thanks so much Cat – you rock!

  2. Abel,

    No problem. I guess I find out what having a day job is like again in September.

    Better enjoy lazy times while I can.

  3. thanks for the kudos! we aim for funny and, when we don’t follow through, we aim for kitties. it’s win/win.

  4. Cool, thanks for the kudos.
    Keep up the good work on your blog. My mom used to knit everything knittable for us. So, while I’m not into knitting, your knitting posts remind me of warm, comforting times. 🙂

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